Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Derry Vs Londonderry

Before we came to Derry/Londonderry, we knew very little about "The Trouble" that had gone on here.  I knew that U2 sang a song called 'Sunday Bloody Sunday' and I was aware that there had been fighting here and that it had to do with whether you were Catholic or Protestant - but that's pretty much it.  So when we booked into our B&B, Thomas, the owner told us a bit about the city which piqued our interest.  

We booked a tour and then went on the most emotional roller coaster ride a small mini van could have taken us on.  Martin was our driver and guide and he had been telling their story for over 19 years and it still moved him to tell it.  He was so theatrical in the way he told the stories that we laughed out loud and at times we all shed a tear.  But he stressed that after David Cameron said he was sorry for everything that had gone on it the past, finally the people can move on and hopefully restore peace.

Sometimes sorry is all you need to hear.

Here are some of the murals that depict the troubled times in Derry/Londonderry


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