Friday, August 17, 2012

I love a good ginger!

photo.JPG by Shellenski
photo.JPG, a photo by Shellenski on Flickr.

This family walked past us in the seaside town of Port Stewart. We weren't sure whether they were all related by birth ie: brother and sister or they were unrelated and just drawn together for their love of the shade. If this is the case, those 2 wee kiddies didn't
Have a chance!

Another phenomenon in Port Stewart was the amount of older people who would be just sitting their cars. Some people had a good view of the sea and others were watching th people parade by, but another had no view. They were sitting in a car park looking at a building across the road! On our way down the road they were just sitting and looking, but on our way back they were all tasting their dinner. Some got "carry out" and others had brought their own from home.

Needless to say we couldn't get a park for love nor money!

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